Egg whites contain many benefits that make doctors always recommend them especially for breakfast. What is strange is that it is effective in more than one field. It is very important for the skin, muscle building, bone building, nerve strength, and many other benefits.
The nutritional value it contains
According to the US Department of Agriculture, each egg white weighs approximately 33 grams. These grams are divided as follows. 29 grams of water, 0.07 fat, 0.24 carbohydrates, and no fiber. And sodium at a rate of 55 mg. All of these elements are very beneficial to the human body, and there are even more elements. Doctors’ constant advice is to focus on egg whites and reduce the yolk or yolk. Because egg yolks contain fats and cholesterol. Eating it daily will not benefit you if you do not make an effort to get rid of fat and cholesterol.
Egg whites Control blood pressure
The potassium found in egg whites is one of the most important elements that help control blood pressure in the human body. Also, according to some studies, there is an element called “peptide” in egg yolks. This element is similar to a chain of amino acids that works to inhibit the rate of high blood pressure in the human body. This peptide also inhibits the same enzymes that make blood pressure rise.
Egg whites Treats high cholesterol
Eat egg whites without the yolk or yolk. It works to reduce cholesterol in the blood. It also reduces triglyceride levels. This is because the white contains carbohydrates and protein, in addition to a very small percentage of fat. Which makes the body work efficiently without accumulating any type of fat in the blood.
Egg whites Contains biotin
Egg whites contain a lot of biotin. Or vitamin B7, which is very necessary for metabolism and moderate absorption of fats and sugar. The American Journal of Nutrition reported in 2002 that uncooked eggs will not give the body biotin because the body will not absorb the biotin directly. Therefore, eggs should be boiled and eaten. Then boiled eggs contain a glycoprotein called avidin that turns into biotin.
Egg whites Useful for building the body
Egg whites and chicken are both among the most important foods for bodybuilders . And for teenagers too because they both need to build their body well. Egg whites contain approximately 4 grams of protein. And a negligible percentage of fat. Therefore, the great benefit results from whiteness. This is not albumin and amino acids that the body needs to absorb and synthesize protein. All of these features help increase the rate of muscle building if consumed next to some other foods such as oats and potatoes. Also, calcium is a very important element in building bones, muscles, and acetylcholine, or neurotransmitters.
Egg whites are very important for skin health
But here it will not be eaten, but the egg whites will be used alone. And without boiling. By separating the white from the yolk and massaging the face with it. In this method, egg whites work in several ways. In terms of cleaning the skin, lightening the pores, removing blackheads, and reducing sebum or oils on oily skin, which makes acne gradually disappear over time. Remove wrinkles and chronic acne effects, and tighten the skin naturally and without fatigue.