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HomeLatest Update11 Reasons Why Your Website Doesn't Rank in Google?

11 Reasons Why Your Website Doesn’t Rank in Google? [2024]

A good online presence is essential for any organization to succeed in the digital age of today. Google is the most popular search engine and has a major influence on how visible your website is. Whatever be the website, whatever may be the purpose of creating a website, everyone would want their website to be shown in the search engine or the user should click on it and visit the website.

If you have a website or you feel that you have done everything that needs to be done to rank your website, still your Website Doesn’t Rank in Google. So that you do not get stressed, I am now going to tell you all the points. Which you have to check now or correct. So now let’s find out why the website is not ranking in Google even after trying all the methods, where are you making a mistake or how can this mistake be corrected.

11 Reasons Why Your Website Doesn't Rank in Google?

11 Reasons Why Your Website Doesn’t Rank in Google?

If we talk about all the points overall, they mainly fall in these 4 categories, or if there is any issue in any of these, your website will not be able to rank in Google.. Those 4 categories are:

  1. Indexing and crawl issues : You have blocked your crawlers in the settings of your website, or somehow your website is not being crawled.
  2. Technical issues with your website : Is there any technical issue in the website, such as any code is used incorrectly or the speed of the website is very slow.
  3. Linking issues : Whatever link there is in the website is not correct, or the Backlink profile is also not correct.
  4. Content and keyword issues : The content on the website is not relevant or is not as per the user’s requirement.

So let us now know in detail about all the points which can cause your website to not rank in Google.

1. Your site is not on Google

In case you are unsure if Google has indexed your website or not, you can easily discover it by searching for “site:” URL of the website, or you must look up any page’s URL if you want to check it out.

With the help of site: operation, you can check any website/page whether it is indexed in Google or not. Also read the information about Google Useful Search Operators . After searching in Google, check if your website is showing in the search or all the pages are appearing in Google, it means your website is indexed.. Is there any reason for it not appearing on the top in the search.

If your website is not showing in Google even after doing such a search, it means that there is a Google Penalty on your website .If you had disabled indexing when you created your website , but now your website is completely ready, you still did not turn it off. So that can also be done, please check it also.

2. Your website is completely new

You may need to wait a short while before checking if your website is brand-new or if the Google page you are looking for is brand-new. Occasionally, it requires a little extra time to be indexed. You can also manually submit your post to Google to get your post indexed quickly .

If your website has not been added to your Search Console , then you should add it first, after that submit the Site Map of your website there . Because with the help of Site Map, Google can quickly know that New page has been added to the website, which can be indexed quickly. Along with submitting the Sitemap, also check the Google Search Console Important Settings , whether they are set correctly or not.

3. Mobile-Friendly Design

Google promotes mobile-friendly websites since most internet users access websites using mobile devices. Your website is losing out on a big ranking element if it isn’t mobile-friendly. Make an investment in responsive design to serve the expanding mobile user base.

4. Your Content is not indexing

The most common reason for Google not indexing a page is that the page has been nonindexed.

This is simply a meta tag, which, if it is on a page, signals to Google that it should not index this page. Normally no index is used when we want that this page should not be shown in Google.

<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”>

If you use Yoast , RankMath or any SEO plugin , you will find this option in the post editor. From there you can select its setting whether you want to index your page or not.

5. Robots.txt Google Blocked 

We do not want to show the website in Google so that we do not index it. Along with this, there are some such pages in the website which we want Google to crawl also. We can tell which page the search engine should crawl or which not from the robots.txt file of our website.

If your website is not showing in Google, then you may have made wrong setting of Robots.txt. If your blog is on WordPress then you must go to your settings and check Search Engine Visibility , if you have not disabled it. You can also check your robots.txt code in Search Console to see whether it is blocking or allowing it for indexing.

6. Page Loading Speed

Users expect websites to load quickly in the fast-paced world of the internet. Because of this, Google penalizes websites that load slowly. Use content delivery networks (CDNs), browser caching, and image compression to maximize the speed of your website.

7. There is no true internal linking in the website.

Everyone writes or tries to write the correct article on the website. But one mistake that bloggers make is that they do not include the correct internal link in their post. If you want to rank the posts of your website, you will have to use the correct Internet. or in that also you will have to keep in mind that no matter how many posts you have, which are the most important pages.

With the help of Internet Link, our posts help us in getting indexed quickly, along with this, when any user comes to our website, with the help of internal link, he goes from one page to another, which reduces the Bounce Rate . The website is which is a ranking signal . You have to pay full attention to this while creating an internal link, whatever link you are giving in the post should be related to that article or will help the user who is visiting our post.

8. Social Media Presence

Google takes into account the social signals associated with your website. A strong social media presence can positively impact your Google ranking. Share your content across relevant social platforms and encourage user engagement.

9. Backlink Quality Over Quantity

Even while backlinks are necessary for search engine optimization, quality counts more than number. Bad or spammy backlinks can damage the reputation of your website. Concentrate on obtaining backlinks from credible sources in your sector.

You would know, what is Backlink or how to create quality backlink on HMH or how to remove bad backlinks has also been shared in detail in our article.

If there are many backlinks on any page or website, then its chances of getting ranked are very high. If there are backlinks on your website then this can also be a reason for your website not to rank.

If your website does not have backlinks or the website which is ranking has more backlinks then you will get the information about how you can create backlinks on your website here.

10. Regular Content Updates

Stagnant websites are less likely to rank well on Google. Regularly update your content, add fresh information, and stay current with industry trends. Google rewards websites that consistently provide valuable and up-to-date content.

11. Low Quality Content

The quality of your content directly influences your website’s Google ranking. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing; today, Google values informative, engaging, and valuable content. Ensure your content speaks directly to your audience, providing solutions and insights that keep them coming back for more.

The work of Search Engine is that the user who is searching or who wants to know is given the right information or is sent to the right website. In this way the quality of the content of our website will not be affected or what the user wants. Our website will not be visible to search engines. Our site will not be visible in search.

How to write bad content that will be liked by both users and Google , I have already published a post on this topic.. you must read it. Also learn how to write quality content .Keep one thing in mind, quality content is that in which the user gets what he wants.. For this you also have to understand your user as to what they want.


in conclusion Hope now you have understood, if any website is not ranking in Google then what can be done about it.. or if your website is also not ranking in Google then what should you do so that your website gets ranked in Google. do it for the sake of doing it.

If you have checked all these points, even after that your website is ranking in Google, then you must check in Search Console also, if you pay any attention then you will be shown that error.









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