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HomeHealth & FitnessHow many times 1 week should eat mushrooms to maintain brain health?

How many times 1 week should eat mushrooms to maintain brain health?

The habit of eating mushrooms is not widespread enough in the Arab world, because mushrooms are not used widely in dishes, despite their spread in many international dishes as a basic ingredient, but when you know the benefits of eating mushrooms once or twice a week, No woman will hesitate to use it in her home, due to the new study conducted at the National University of Singapore, on the relationship of eating mushrooms to brain health, strengthening memory and preventing Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly, and this is what the article reviews.

Mushrooms Reduces the incidence of mild cognitive decline

According to the study, which was conducted on 663 people, over the age of 60, between 2011 and 2017, it was found that eating mushrooms twice a week in particular reduces the chances of mild cognitive decline, as 9 out of every 100 people were affected when they ate mushrooms, instead of 19 of them being infected. Every 100 people do not eat mushrooms twice a week, and mild cognitive decline causes memory loss, frequent forgetfulness, problems with the ability to pay attention, and problems with language and the ability to express oneself, especially for those over sixty years of age.

Eating best mushrooms for brain health

Eating all kinds of mushrooms, specifically in quantities exceeding 300 grams per week, improves brain tests that reveal brain activity and proper vital functions, as well as intelligence tests and the brain’s ability to process information and interact with it. The study showed that those who eat mushrooms on a weekly basis excel in all of these tests. About their peers who do not eat mushrooms.

what vitamin is high in mushrooms

Researcher Li Feng, one of the most important principal researchers in the study at the University of Singapore, says that the relationship between eating mushrooms and brain health is an interesting and surprising relationship. It should not be overlooked that mushrooms contain antioxidants, the most important of which is ergothioneine, which is a powerful antioxidant. It is also anti-inflammatory. The human body cannot produce it, but must be consumed from food. This substance is found in abundance in mushrooms.

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Mushrooms contain important minerals and vitamins

Antioxidants are not the only active substances in mushrooms. Rather, mushrooms contain a group of the most important minerals and vitamins that the human body needs and help greatly in improving brain functions, such as spermidine, which helps protect nerve cells in the brain from damage, improving their capabilities and memory capacity as they progress. Human age, selenium, which is an antioxidant and important for the human body for brain and heart health, as well as vitamin D, which helps the activity of the entire body in addition to being an important element in absorbing calcium from food.

Thus, the study proves that eating mushrooms helps maintain brain health for a longer life, but not alone. The study participants followed many healthy habits, such as eating vegetables, green leaves, green tea, fruits, and fish, and they followed healthy physical activity and reduced drinking alcohol and eating. Sugars and salts, and avoiding smoking , all of which are factors that help maintain a complete human body and brain health in particular.

Should you eat mushrooms during pregnancy?

Eating mushrooms during pregnancy is generally considered safe and can be a nutritious addition to your diet, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Edible Varieties: Stick to edible mushrooms that are commonly found in grocery stores, such as button mushrooms, portobello mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, or cremini mushrooms. Avoid wild mushrooms unless you are absolutely certain they are safe to eat, as some wild varieties can be toxic.
  2. Cook Thoroughly: It’s essential to cook mushrooms thoroughly before consuming them during pregnancy. Cooking mushrooms helps break down their tough cell walls and can make them easier to digest.
  3. Nutrient-Rich: Mushrooms are a good source of various nutrients, including B vitamins (such as folate and riboflavin), fiber, and minerals like selenium and potassium. These nutrients can be beneficial during pregnancy.
  4. Moderation: As with any food, it’s important to consume mushrooms in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Don’t overindulge, and ensure you are getting a variety of other fruits, vegetables, and protein sources in your diet.
  5. Allergies: If you have known allergies or sensitivities to mushrooms, it’s best to avoid them during pregnancy to prevent any adverse reactions.
  6. Preparation: Make sure to clean mushrooms thoroughly and cook them properly to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Proper food safety practices are crucial during pregnancy.
  7. Consult a Healthcare Provider: It’s always a good idea to discuss your dietary choices with your healthcare provider during pregnancy. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific health needs and any underlying conditions.


In conclusion, incorporating mushrooms into your diet to support brain health is a nutritious choice. While there is no specific recommended frequency for consuming mushrooms, it is advisable to include them regularly as part of a balanced diet. Aim to enjoy mushrooms at least a few times a week to benefit from their potential cognitive and overall health advantages. Remember to pair them with other brain-boosting foods and maintain a diverse and well-rounded diet for optimal brain health. Additionally, consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized dietary recommendations tailored to your individual needs and health goals.

Q1: Are mushrooms really beneficial for brain health?

A1: Yes, mushrooms contain various compounds like antioxidants and vitamins that may support brain health. They have been associated with potential cognitive benefits.

Q2: How often should I eat mushrooms to maintain brain health?

A2: There’s no specific frequency recommended, but including mushrooms in your diet a few times a week can be a good practice.

Q3: What types of mushrooms are best for brain health?

A3: Different mushroom varieties offer various health benefits. Generally, shiitake, lion’s mane, and maitake mushrooms are often cited for their potential cognitive advantages.

Q4: Can I eat mushrooms daily for better brain health?

A4: Eating mushrooms daily is not necessary. Consuming them a few times a week, along with a balanced diet, should be sufficient to potentially support brain health.

Q5: How should I prepare mushrooms to maximize their benefits?

A5: Cooking mushrooms thoroughly is essential to release their nutrients and make them easier to digest. You can sauté, roast, or include them in various dishes like soups or stir-fries.

Q6: Are there any risks or precautions when consuming mushrooms for brain health?

A6: For most people, mushrooms are safe to eat. However, if you have allergies or sensitivities to mushrooms or are on specific medications, consult with a healthcare provider.

Q7: Can I rely solely on mushrooms for brain health, or should I include other foods too?

A7: While mushrooms can be a valuable addition to your diet, it’s essential to maintain a well-rounded, diverse diet that includes various brain-boosting foods like leafy greens, berries, and fatty fish.

Q8: Are there any age restrictions on consuming mushrooms for brain health?

A8: Mushrooms can be a part of a healthy diet for individuals of all ages, but dietary needs may vary. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations, especially for children and the elderly.

Q9: Can mushrooms help prevent cognitive decline or conditions like Alzheimer’s disease?

A9: While some studies suggest a potential link between mushroom consumption and cognitive benefits, more research is needed to establish a definitive connection. A balanced diet and overall healthy lifestyle are key factors in brain health.

Q10: Should I consult a healthcare provider or nutritionist for specific advice on mushrooms and brain health?

A10: It’s advisable to seek personalized dietary guidance from a healthcare provider or nutritionist to determine the best approach for your individual health and wellness goals.



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